Meeting the Challenge of Mental Health Support in Times of Unprecedented Demand

The Collective Coaching Academy's Role in Global Mental Health & Wellbeing

The past two years have been life-changing on a global scale, prompting a definitive shift in the way mental health and wellbeing are perceived and prioritized. Recognizing the significance of employee welfare, businesses worldwide are now making mental health a top priority, integrating coaching and mental health support services as part of staff benefits. In response to the growing demand for mental health services, the Collective Coaching Academy, founded in late 2020, has emerged as a crucial player in the global movement to enhance mental health and wellbeing support. This article explores how the academy is meeting the rising demand and helping people navigate challenging times through comprehensive training and personalized care.

Mental Health Care and Support is on the rise.

The year 2021 witnessed a record-breaking 25% increase in the number of people seeking mental health support, as reported by the World Health Organization. This surge in demand has highlighted the pressing need for more accessible and diverse mental health services to cater to individuals facing various challenges and seeking support.

Shortage of Clinical Mental Health Services*

According to the The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP), since 2021, the increased demand for mental health services has been unprecedented. The demand on available psychiatry and psychology services is stretched and poses a significant challenge for those in need of help*. This gap in available service provision underscores the importance of alternative approaches to mental health and wellbeing. Well trained coaches, therapists and practitioners of holistic mindset and wellbeing can often provide interim support, where clinical support is temporarily unavailable. In fact in many cases, in Australia alone, many individuals seeking access to the mental health plan have reported that they don't necessarily feel they need clinical care, but do want support with strategies and tools to better cope. This is something our Practitioners and Coaches are well equipped to provide.

Guiding Minds, Transforming Lives

Established just as our global communities plunged into a period filled with fear, confusion and division, the Collective Coaching Academy has proven itself to be a beacon of hope for many students and clients alike. Founded by passionate and experienced Master mindset Practitioners, the academy has been pivotal in providing invaluable training to future practitioners and coaches.

Bridging The Gap through Comprehensive Training

At the heart of the Collective Coaching Academy's success lies its commitment to high standards and accountability. Their training goes beyond mere strategies; students are equipped with a deep understanding of the "How" and "Why" behind each modality. This comprehensive approach allows practitioners to make informed decisions and effect meaningful change in their clients' lives.

Practical Experience for Real-Life Impact

The academy places a strong emphasis on practical experience. Students are required to engage with clients in real-life settings, preparing them to handle diverse coaching scenarios with confidence and competence. This hands-on approach ensures that graduates are well-equipped to make a positive impact in their clients' mental wellbeing

International Recognition and Quality Education

The Collective Coaching Academy's certifications are recognized by international coaching and practicing bodies. This recognition not only adds credibility to their training but also allows practitioners to obtain essential indemnity and liability insurance. The academy's focus on training small boutique groups ensures personalized attention and a commitment to quality education.

In the face of global challenges, the Collective Coaching Academy has risen to the occasion, becoming a driving force in the global movement to prioritize mental health and wellbeing. By empowering minds and transforming lives, the Collective Coaching Academy exemplifies the impact that dedicated practitioners can have in enhancing mental health and wellbeing on a global scale.




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